13 August 2020

Let’s join hands to bring the change… (Discussion with Ms. Gail Davvis on International Youth Day session-1)

World’s public landscape has transformed dramatically over the last couple of months, with the most prolonged lockdown that the present generation can remember. With the closure of schools, colleges, offices, millions of people were effectively confined to their homes worldwide. The isolation and fear in this lockdown era has driven an escalating nervousness among many people. This situation has produced a notable emotional impact on the general population, especially the students with symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression.

To talk about the effect of lockdown on mental health of children and youth and the various mechanisms opted by the teachers and management of Ahlcon International School to deal with this situation, Ms. Anju Gupta (Headmistress, Primary Section) and Ms. Gargi Thakur (Teacher) participated in a discussion initiated by Ms. Gail Davvis, Co-curator, TheCreators2030 UN SDGs Art Initiative, Mexico on the occasion of International Youth Day Week on 13th Aug, 2020. Ms. Nicole, a student and youth ambassador of TheCreators2030 UN SDGs Art Initiative also shared her views.

On being asked about the reaction of parents on closure of schools and how this situation was tackled by the management and teachers, Ms. Anju explained the steps taken like technical training of staff members to use online tools for conducting virtual classes, taking parents on board through orientations and sending them important advisories regarding netiquettes, providing pdfs of course books, organizing workshops, proper planning of lesson plans and much more.  Ms. Gargi talked about the doubts and fears of the students regarding the COVID-19, how it affected their mental health and finally how this was managed by involving them into various innovative activities and assignments based on Sustainable Development Goals and themes like life skills and moral values. Ms. Nicole, a high school student shared her life experiences of pre and post covid, how she missed being in touch with her peers and teachers and its effect on the academics.

Ms. Anju Gupta also shared how the mental health of both students and teachers is being taken care of through the wellness period, physical fitness sessions, asynchronous classes, reduction in curriculum and screen time. Ms. Gargi discussed about the various activities being done to create awareness about the SDGs like Green Tiffin Campaign, Eco-Friendly Birthdays, Say no to plastic, Save Water Program etc. followed by the sharing of work done by Ms. Gail and Ms. Nicole like providing organic food, working on inner leadership program, sustainable business development advice as a part of their UN SDGs Art Initiative.

The discussion was also joined by Ms. Sunita Rajiv (AHM, Middle School) who expressed her views on the topic and highlighted the integration of SDGs in the regular curriculum. Ms. Aastha Gupta (German Language Expert) appreciated the efforts of all the stakeholders in the smooth functioning of the teaching- learning process.

In the end Ms. Davvis congratulated all the speakers for the work done in empowering the students and bringing a positive change in the community in these crucial times. She also talked about women empowerment and praised the teachers for working hard and maintaining a balance between their personal and professional lives.

Facebook and Twitter link of the discussion-


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