16 August 2020

We are in this together…… (Discussion with Ms. Gail Davvis on International Youth Day session-2)

The lockdown due to COVID-19 has taken a toll on everybody’s mental health. While quarantining adults has generally led to negative psychological effects, including confusion, anger, and post-traumatic distress, studies have shown that children and adolescents are more likely to experience high rates of depression, trauma, obsessive compulsive disorder and anxiety during and after enforced isolation ends.

Mental health of the students is the topic of interest throughout the world. The entire performance of a child depends on his/her mental health. Till date there is no proven treatment to manage the Novel corona virus disease. The entrance examinations were postponed, the admissions were stopped due to the lockdown. In this context many students were undergoing stress and there is a strong need to consider their mental health status. So, to discuss about the pre and post COVID life, how it has affected the education community and the awareness of UN Sustainable Development Goals, Section head, teachers and students from Ahlcon International School participated in a discussion on 16th Aug, 2020 initiated by Ms. Gail Davvis, Co-curator, TheCreators2030 UN SDGs Art Initiative. Mr. Puneet Duggal (HM, Senior Section), Ms. Anju Gupta (HM, Primary Section), Ms. Sunita Rajiv (AHM, Middle Section) , Ms. Monika Sawhney (Librarian) , Ms. Gargi Thakur (Teacher) and. Ms. Asavri Verma & Akshara Nair (Sudents) shared their views and expressed their opinions on a variety of issues.

Ms. Gail initiated the discussion by asking about the effect of COVID-19 on everybody’s personal and professional lives. Ms. Anju shared about the changes in the daily routine, the adaptation of technology to continue with the online classes, training of teachers and taking parent on board through orientations. Ms. Sunita talked about the support from the management and the planning done by the teachers regarding lesson plans, time table, classes and how the staff members worked collaboratively in getting over through the short comings. Mr. Puneet discussed about the reaction and feedback of the parents about the virtual classes, the trust shown by them towards the institution and how the whole process empowered the students. Ms. Gargi and Ms. Monika talked about the variety of activities like podcasts, videos, audios, special assemblies, book week, celebration of days like Earth Day, that were done during the virtual classes to maintain the interest of the students. Last but not the least, Akshara and Asavri shared how the social isolation affected the mental and emotional health causing anxiety disorder, restlessness among the high school students but also how it brought a positive change in their personal lives. The opportunity to spend quality time with the family members, talking to them about the fears and vulnerabilities, a chance to develop new hobbies, to continue with the passion of writing poems, painting, music, sharing about the new normal with the friends helped them to come in terms with the whole pandemic situation. The teachers shared how various practices like gratitude, kindness, meditation, emotional intelligence sessions helped children in changing their mindset towards the whole scenario and built a sense of relief and positive attitude in them.

The discussion was concluded by Ms. Anju Gupta’s message to all the educators across the world by appreciating the noble jobs they are doing and calling them ‘Corona Angels’ for keeping the learning alive. She also said that the online teaching learning should continue and the one precious year of the child should not be wasted.

Facebook and Twitter link of the discussion-


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