11 May 2023
Special Parenting Session initiated under Poshan Maah-2021
Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world and parents are our partners in it. Ahlcon International School- ‘A School with an SDG Soul’ firmly believes is this and contributes its endeavours to achieve Global Goals of Sustainable Development.
Principal, Mr. Sanjay Yadav and HM Middle Section, Ms. Sunita Rajiv took initiative with Global Goal SDG 3 ‘Good Health and Well-being’ along with school children and their parents and to commemorate the true spirit of Rashtriya POSHAN Maah and empower them with the knowledge regarding nutrition.
Principal sir addressed the gathering by telling them his personal experiences what he is practicing in daily life. He told how he stopped the use of ‘Single Use Plastic’ himself and then eradicate it from school campus first before initiated the drive for students.
He advised students that excess of everything is bad so a balance should be maintained in terms of diet or a simple walk. Before travelling just check in advance the local vegetables and fruits of that area. This way the junks can be avoided and consumption of healthy food will keep us fit.
HM Middle Section, Ms. Sunita Rajiv commenced the session by showing the analysis of data gathered from students in the ‘Manthan Session’. This survey will be used as the action plan for the coming months. The saying is ‘A good breakfast fuels you up and get you ready for the day’ but the students are neglecting somewhere this part of the day. She poured light specifically on this and children are the reflection of their homes. So if any of the parents are showing dismissal then we should ponder upon this as it directly effects their children’s food habits.
On the other hand, most of them are not even conscious about consuming the balanced diet. Moreover, they are cognizant if their nutrition is low, it will directly effect their learning.
Furthermore, she added that working from home and online mode with regard to nutrition and its relationship to physical and mental health and well-being has been affected. She advised parents to inculcate the habit of cooking in their sons as well as daughters to remain healthy always. She shared ‘Viruddha Ahara’ i.e. the wrong combinations of food that should be avoided.
She requested parents to follow SDG-17 collaboration and partnership with the school. She solicited parents to share their wonderful family recipes in the assemblies ones every month so that others can be motivated and improve the nutrition level in our kids.