CBSE Session- Making NEP come alive in your Foundational Stage Classroom

DATE: Saturday, 19.08.2023

TOPIC: Making NEP come alive in Foundational Stage Classroom

ATTENDED BY: Ms. Pooja Shandilya, HM, Foundation Stage & Ms. Kakoli Logani,

                               Incharge, Foundation Stage I


VENUE: India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi

Strategies and approaches focusing on implementing educational policies like the National Education Policy (NEP) have become crucial in today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape. To effectively implement the guidelines of the NEP in the Foundation Stage, a workshop titled “Making NEP come alive in Your Foundational Stage Classroom” was held on Saturday, 19th August’23. The attendees for this workshop comprised educators and experts specializing in early childhood education. Headmistress, Foundation Stage, Ms. Pooja Shandilya, and Ms. Kakoli Logani, Incharge- Foundation Stage I, both esteemed representatives from Ahlcon International School.

The workshop began with an overview of the NEP guidelines and their significance in shaping the future of education in India. The attendees were introduced to the key stages of the NEP and its alignment with the existing National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2023.

The participants gained insights into the key highlights of the NCF 2023, which emphasized a holistic approach to education, integrating vocational skills, promoting critical thinking, and fostering creativity from a young age. The NCF 2023’s focus on experiential learning and the incorporation of local culture and context were highlighted as key components to enhance the learning experience.

A significant portion of the workshop was dedicated to discussing the steering system of the curriculum, including its vision, mission, and goals. Attendees learned how to align their teaching practices with the broader educational vision outlined in the NEP and NCF 2023. The workshop emphasized the importance of fostering a love for learning and developing well-rounded individuals equipped for the challenges of the future.

The workshop included practical sessions where participants engaged in one to one learning collaboration. These activities enabled attendees to brainstorm strategies for incorporating NEP principles into their classrooms effectively. Collaborative learning and sharing of best practices were encouraged, enhancing the overall learning experience.

The workshop provided valuable insights into the NEP guidelines, stages, and the key highlights of NCF 2023. Attendees left with a better understanding of how to align their teaching practices with the vision of the curriculum and create meaningful learning experiences for young learners. The event contributed towards the development of competencies of a child, which in turn, will help our children develop critical thinking skills. Therefore, the resource person insisted on making a child’s foundation strong, with a focus not only on cognitive development but also on the all-round development of a child especially the brain development in the child as research tells us that 85% of human brain development takes place up to the age of six years including the critically important domains of language, cognitive and socio-emotional development. The resources person highlighted that neglect of these crucial developmental domains in early childhood will leave a life-long deficiency in the later years of a child’s life.


She also talked about Panchadi, also known as the “Five Steps of Learning,” is a concept from Indian philosophy that outlines the stages of acquiring knowledge.

The success of the workshop would not have been possible without the dedicated efforts of the organizing team, the engaging presentation by the speaker, and the active participation of all the attendees.



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