Offline Capacity Building Program on Value Education

REPORT: Offline Capacity Building Program on Value Education

DATE: Monday, 28/08/2023

TOPIC: Value Education

ATTENDED BY: Ms. Puja Anand


The day-long CBSE training workshop on ‘Value Education’ was conducted on Monday, 28th August 2023 at the CBSE Regional Office, Patparganj, New Delhi.

The workshop was conducted by an eminent Resource Person, Ms. Nishi Phogat. She made the teachers understand the meaning of values and the importance of value education in a curriculum and shared various anecdotes and real-life examples to make the session interesting and captivating.
Ms. Nishi started the session by laying focus on the NCF document that mentions the term ‘value’ at least 140 times. She highlighted that the children must be made ready for the future for which we need to make them learn different skills such as language, cognitive, social, emotional, personal, creative, technology, gross motor, and sensory skills at different stages of their growth.
The workshop emphasized that values are like seeds that sprout, become saplings, grows into trees and spread their branches all around. Values should be inculcated into habits as they just cannot be taught in a single period.

The resource person explained the importance of Value Education and how it helps to improve integral growth and promotes a sustainable lifestyle for all individuals.
She enumerated various kinds of values such as social, cultural, individual, global, and spiritual values. She further pointed out how value-based education can strengthen students by enhancing their self-esteem and making them optimistic, responsible, and happy. She also explained that values cannot be taught like a subject and can be included through situations that are planned while teaching various subjects.
In the end, she concluded the session by suggesting different ways to incorporate values into our school curriculum. Different activities and case studies were discussed during the session. On the whole, it was an engaging and enriching session.



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