On Saturday, 11th May 2024 a workshop on ‘Scientific Temperament’ was taken up by Resource Person Ms. Vinita Dadlani, Ms. Shikha Kwatra, and Ms. Nisha Singhal in the Phonetic Lab to provide educators with an enriching platform to explore the role of scientific temperament in one’s or student’s life. They offered hands-on experiences and talked beyond theoretical discussions.

The workshop highlighted how scientific temperament is crucial for education as it encourages critical thinking, curiosity, and evidence-based understanding. It helps students develop the skills to question assumptions, analyze information, and adapt to discoveries. This approach not only deepens knowledge but also prepares individuals to make informed decisions and solve complex problems, fostering progress in various fields.

The workshop taught how simple experiments can be conducted in our classes to bring science temperament into the limelight. It also emphasized that we can inculcate scientific temperament at an early stage by introducing very simple experiments. It also taught about how NEP 2020 supports scientific temperament and its role in the education sector.

Principal, Mr. Sanjay Yadav, shared insights on how science contributes to societal and individual change, appreciating the resource team for their excellent presentation.

Headmistress, Ms. Pooja Shandilya, praised the workshop team for their outstanding presentation and execution. She emphasized the value of sharing knowledge to enrich everyone involved.

Overall, the workshop was a highly enriching experience, emphasizing the importance of fostering curiosity and perseverance among educators. By promoting a scientific temperament, the workshop highlighted the essential role teachers play in shaping informed, critical thinkers. The enthusiastic feedback from attendees underscored the workshop’s success in inspiring and equipping teachers to integrate scientific principles into their teaching practices.

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