Special Assembly on Guru Purnima

India is a diverse land where Gurus hold a paramount position. A guru is seen as one who dispels the darkness of ignorance and guides their students towards knowledge and enlightenment. To honor our Gurus, we celebrated the occasion of Guru Purnima with great fervor and enthusiasm.

Guru Purnima serves as a reminder of the vital role a guru plays in our lives. To spread awareness and sensitize everyone, Foundation Stage-II of Ahlcon International School organized a Special Assembly on the theme of Guru Purnima on Thursday, July 18, 2024. The assembly began with the Almighty’s blessings and the recitation of the Gayatri Mantra.

Our gurus guide their disciples on the path of righteousness and wisdom. These teachings help individuals lead more meaningful and fulfilling lives. To convey gratitude to our first gurus, our parents, a small media presentation was shown, followed by a group poem recitation dedicated to our teachers. Master Confident from Class II-D played the Casio and sang a song related to the theme.

Guru Purnima is a celebration of wisdom, learning, and the enduring bond between teacher and disciple. To honour this special occasion, the children gave commendable performances through role plays, vividly demonstrating the profound connection between guru and disciple. Some students enacted the legendary pairs of Eklavya and Guru Dronacharya, highlighting unwavering dedication and sacrifice; Angulimaal and Guru Gautam Buddha, depicting the transformative power of guidance and compassion; Wrestler Geeta Phogat and Mr. Mahaveer Singh Phogat, emphasizing the power of mentorship in achieving excellence; and Virat Kohli and Mr. Raj Kumar Sharma, showcasing the vital role of coaching in nurturing talent and success. These performances beautifully encapsulated the essence of Guru Purnima, celebrating the invaluable relationship between teachers and their disciples.

The mesmerizing dance performance by a group of students enthralled the audience.

Lastly, the event concluded with speeches and appreciation by esteemed Principal, Mr. Sanjay Yadav, Vice Principal, Mr. Puneet Duggal, and Headmistress Ms. Pooja Shandilya, encouraging everyone to be thankful and respectful to our gurus. The class teacher and students of Class II-C expressed their sincere gratitude to them for their words of encouragement and appreciation. The assembly was conducted smoothly, and the audience was mesmerized by the impeccable performances of the students. The event concluded with the National Anthem.



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