10 November 2024

The “Evoking Excellence” Seminar with Swami Chidrupanandaji


On 9th November 2024, Ahlcon International School hosted a transformative seminar titled “Wholeness in Education: Spirituality, Self-Care, and Stress Management” in collaboration with the Chinmaya Mission. The event drew over a hundred educators from Delhi, NCR, including NPSC senior leadership along with Dr Ashok Pandey, Director, Ahlcon Group of Schools, Principals, and heads of various schools, all seeking holistic approaches in education. The esteemed Swami Chidrupanandaji from Chinmaya Mission graced the event as the chief guest.

Objectives of the Seminar were:

– To explore the integration of spirituality, self-care, and stress management into education.

– To encourage values-driven leadership and personal well-being among educators.

– To inspire holistic approaches in fostering excellence within the educational community.

The seminar began with a ceremonial lamp lighting, symbolizing enlightenment, followed by a warm welcome from Mr. Sanjay Yadav, Principal of Ahlcon International School, who emphasized the importance of ethics and character development in education. In the first session, ‘Living in Excellence’, Swami Chidrupanandaji shared his insights on values-driven leadership and self-care, urging educators to balance professional responsibilities with personal well-being. A guided meditation session provided an opportunity for participants to reconnect with inner peace and mindfulness. The day concluded with an interactive Q&A session, where Swamiji offered practical advice on incorporating spirituality into daily life and education. The session underscored the significance of wholeness in education, demonstrating how spiritual practices can enhance self-care and stress management, benefiting the entire school community. This enriching experience left participants inspired, reaffirming their commitment to holistic education.



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