Affiliation No : 2730454
- Academic
- Initiatives
Fit India School Week-2020
Fitness is zero percent investment with infinite returns
The spread of technology undoubtedly made our lives much easier and much better, but at the same time, it made many of us turn to a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of physical activity and excessive usage of mobile phones among children is also becoming alarming as the health behavior patterns formed at early years are most likely to persist into adulthood too.
Thanks to the “Fit India Movement” launched by Honorable Prime Minister, Mr. Narender Modi on 29th August 2019, effective measures were introduced through various platforms which encouraged people of India to turn to an active lifestyle further leading to mental fitness. To endorse and take this movement further, the little torchbearers of Ahlcon International School enthusiastically participated in “Fit India School Week” and even urged their family members to be part of this health and fitness movement. Numerous activities were conducted through a virtual platform to celebrate Fit India School Week2020. Children made colorful posters emphasizing healthy body and fit minds, few children spoke on the significance of health and fitness, and created their fun drills using home-based equipment for sports and fitness.
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Report on Value Education Programme
Values are essential for positive human behaviour. Values form the core of educational goals and objectives. In addition to equipping students with life skills and attitudes; it prepares them to lead a full life. Values are like seeds that sprout, become saplings, grow into trees and spread their branches all around.
To continue with this Endeavour, Leadership was the topic for Class VIII for the month of April.
Leadership is the ability of a person to guide or direct others in response to a group's needs and goals. Therefore it was taken up as a value for class VIII in order to develop both personal and interpersonal skills that are essential for guiding others and uniting individuals as a team. The objective of the program was to help and facilitate the students to have a comprehensive knowledge that leaders live and act by their values. They have clarity in what they believe, and they align their actions with their values.
The first session of the program began with a story “Together we can” to emphasize teamwork which was followed by group discussion on the qualities of a good leader.
For Class VII the Topic is "Stand Up for the Truth."
One of the key objectives of education is to mould the children of today into awakened and responsible citizens of tomorrow. Therefore, ‘Stand Up for the Truth’ was taken up as a part of the Value Education Program, for class VII, in order to imbibe the importance of taking stand for the righteous. The objective of the program was to develop in the students’ sagaciousness to differentiate between what is worth stand for and what is not.
The first session of the program began with class discussion in which students shared their understanding of ‘Stand up for the Truth’Examples of standing up for the right cause and in the right manner were discussed. Non-examples were also discussed in which wrong ways to represent the stand has worsen the situation and caused social unrest The learning objectives include issues worth standing up for and it also explains the consequences of taking stand for wrong cause.
For Class VI Topic-Self Discipline
Self-discipline and persistence are powerful qualities! They are more than just a good combination skill set, they can completely change you.
Being self-disciplined, with time, works the same way as a great investment. Also,there is no end point to self-discipline, it’s all about growth. As long as you keepgoing, you will keep becoming better.”
The topic was Introduced through a short story followed by discussion on to compare the behaviors of students in a particular situation. And to Identify which behaviors are acceptable in school and which may be misunderstood.
Bumper News for our School this Diwali

Ahlcon International School has been selected as Climate Action Project Schools of Excellence 2021 amongst the Top 250 schools from all across the World.
Congratulations to Team Ahlconites for being proactive in promotion of Climate Education & for marking its presence at #COP26 in Glasgow.

Our students have actively participated for 6 weeks and performed different tasks to find solutions and actions for climate change. Students have also utilized Earthproject app and calculated carbon content avoided.
His Royal Highness Prince William of the British Royal Family addressed all schools & winners in the ceremony. Ahlcon International School marked its presence at #COP26 Summit.

Speakers included Former President James Michel from Republic of Seychelles, HRH Princess Esmeralda, Matt Larsen-Daw from WWF, Rick Davis from NASA, author Georgina Stevens, youth activists Elizabeth Wathuti (Kenya), Kaossara Sani (Togo) and Martina Fjällberg (Sweden), and many more.
Our students collaborated virtually with Indian Schools like DLF Public School and Internationally with Ana-Paula-perdigão, Brazil and Viviani Siqueira De Souza, Paris.
Ahlcon International School is one of very few schools in India to have been awarded this title by Cartoon Network and Take Action Global.
Proud moment for Ahlcon International Family!
Earth Day

Nature is fascinating. It embodies the spirit of the creator. The soft green leaf moving gently in the breeze, the drop of dew quivering on the petal of a rose, the koel singing hidden in a mango grove, all are so enchanting, so enthralling.Our school has always shown keen interest in sensitizing our students towards creating greater awareness, understanding and empathy with and for the environment. As a part of such initiatives, a special assembly was organised by the Science department on Friday, 21st April 2017 to celebrate 'Earth Day'.
Ahlconites began the assembly with an inspirational quote. Poetry is the most distilled and powerful language. It has always been a source of expressing our feelings through words. To conserve mother earth, a beautiful poem was recited by a child in thematic costume. This was followed by an enactment ‘‘Solution to Pollution”. Children showcased an enlightening awareness act to protect mother earth from the menace prevalent today. They displayed placards with slogans and posters to convey their message. The sustainable development goals set by the UN related to conservation of earth was also highlighted on the occasion.
Planting trees is the quickest, most cost effective and lasting means of curbing global emissions. A single tree can absorb more than forty pounds of CO2 per year and releases enough oxygen back into the atmosphere to support human beings. Tomark Earth Day, Principal and In charges of Senior and Middle Section planted a sapling in the School Campus. The programme concluded with a motivational talk by the Principal. The assemblycreated a positive impact on the students to become brand ambassadors for conservation of environment and take it forward with a sense of commitment & renewed consciousness for nation building.
One Planet Workshop Series : "Awakening the Green Gene in You".

Ahlcon International School is always at the forefront in adopting various educational programmes, highlighting current challenges and opportunities in environment protection. It is our constant endeavour to arouse a sense of responsibility and accountability in the younger generation. As a part of such initiatives, Ms. Sunanda and Ms. Shweta along with four students of class 8 attended a two day workshop "One Planet Workshop Series: Awakening the Green Gene in You" by WWF- India in association with Puffin India on 11th April and 12th April 20 17.
Workshop on Day 1 focussed on the theme "Actioning Environmental Education in Schools." It included brainstorming and icebreaking sessions with quiz, games, videos etc to emphasise on the need of green activities in schools. The idea of "One Planet Academy" a digital training and resource centre was shared with the teachers. “Ek Prithvi” a comprehensive educational programme helping schools adopt sustainable practices and building conservation leaders across the country was also discussed.
Day 2 was marked with a session with Nayanika Mahtani, author of the bestselling children’s book ‘Ambushed’. Commitment to save tigers was reflected upon by the author and she made the participants delve into ruthless and barbaric world of poachers and its fatal impact on the delicate food chain. Enlightened interactive session with the author gave an opportunity to the students to prove themselves as, "Solution Finders" to resolve imbalance in the eco system. The session, Green Surprise for students" brought sheer joy with wild life documentaries, puzzles and quiz in which one of the students won first prize. The workshop concluded with the launch of the monthly e-newsletter 'Wisdom Nuggets' and an invitation to participate in WWF-India’s Wild Wisdom Quiz 2017 which is India’s only national level and Asia’s biggest Quiz on wildlife.
Australia India Bridge Project

Mr. Ankit Gupta (PGT-Biotechnology) School and Ms. Kate Brown from Peregian Beach College Queensland, Australia spearheaded Australia India Bridge Project from Ahlcon International. The participants were among the 8 shortlisted schools across Indian and Australia by Asia Education Foundation in collaboration with Australian Government. The project is an in country professional learning development program (52 hours) in Australia (16-25 October 2015) and India (10-21 January). The following Australian institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) National Professional Standards for Teachers were addressed:
Know the content and how to teach it
- Content and teaching strategies for the teaching areas
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Plan, structure and sequence learning programs
- Use teaching strategies
- Select and use resources
Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Support student participation
- Use ICT, safely, responsibly and ethically
Engage in professional learning
- Engage in professional learning and improve practice
- Engage with colleagues and Improve practice
Microsoft Innovative Showcase School

The journey of Ahlcon International School and Microsoft began in 2015 when we joined Microsoft IT Academy. In all 120 students and 20 teachers of Ahlcon International School took part in ELearning Courses offered by a leading technology giant - Microsoft. The proud 40 Ahlconites qualified and earned certification in Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS). Enthusiastic teachers too earned certifications by appearing in online exams MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist), MTA (Microsoft Technology Associate), MCE (Microsoft Certified Educator), TWT (teaching with Technology) and WiC (Windows in Classroom).
The Programme Coordinator, Ms. Urvashi Singhal, HOD Computer Science, motivated and guided both students and teachers about the programme. As an MIE, Ms. Urvashi worked on the project "Chalkboards to Tablets – Digital Classrooms blended with BIOS and 1:1 Environment". She guided other four teachers – Mr. Mayank Dugar for his project “Environment and Pollution", Ms. Leena Narang on project "Cyber Bullying", Ms. Garima on project "Social Networking sites" and Ms. Shweta for her project “Digital Literacy She also motivated our two Student Ambassadors – Karan Sharma (XI D) and Tanishq Manuja (XI C) to attend Microsoft Student Ambassador and Educators Meet in Dec 2015 and for the project "Tech for those at the Margins”. Our student ambassadors organized workshop for Ahlconites to help them create online SWAY presentation by combining text and media using their Microsoft account.
Teachers and the students are using various Microsoft tools like sway, yammer, onenote, word, excel, powerpoint, publisher, autocollage, movie maker, access, etc. in day-to-day teaching learning activities. The Principal, Mr. Ashok K. Pandey, appreciated the efforts of students and teachers and acknowledged their Microsoft skills and their edge over technology. The school also earned the coveted title of being "Microsoft Innovative School" and "Microsoft Showcase School"
In continuation with our endeavor to strengthen up our academic standards, we have implemented Computer ICT books designed by Microsoft for classes IX and X in session 2016-2017 and in other classes support students to make use of more and more Microsoft tools in their day-to-day learning.
The wonderful journey of Ahlcon & EUMIND that started in the year 2013 continued in the session 2015-16 as well. EUMIND is a platform for establishing a sense of intercultural communication between Indian and European school students. The session started with a visit of Mr. Ludo Mateusen, EUMIND chairperson and his wife Mrs. Annemie Mateusen on 17th August, 2015 to Ahlcon. Mr. Ludo shared EUMIND’s mission and history with 50 students from classes IX-XI.A new platform - 'Weebly' was introduced for sharing of information between European and Indian schools through internet. Our coordinators Ms. Ekta Kandhari and Ms. Sabhyata Sharma attended a workshop regarding working of weebly, which was organized at Bal Bharti School.
Later in the year, various skype sessions were organized to make students more familiar with their European counterparts.
40 students from classes IX-X worked and uploaded their research work on the topics – World of Work (WOW) and 3 Generations and shared it with their counterparts in Europe through Weebly. In World of work, students of class IX interviewed different professionals like doctors ,entrepreneurs etc. 3 Generations was about comparing the life of grandparents, parents and the current generation of class X.
3 groups from WOW and 2 groups from 3 Generations have received certificate of excellence for the commendable work done by them.

Through EUMIND, 15 students along with 2 teachers from our school are going to visit Koge Gymnasium, Denmark in the month of November 2016. Next year, their students will visit Ahlcon.
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