08 May 2020

Mother’s Day Celebration

Mother’s Day Celebration Report “There is nothing as powerful as mother’s love, and nothing as healing as a child’s soul.”
The day that recognizes the contributions of a mother was celebrated with high spirits and happiness by the tiny cherubs of Ahlcon International School on Friday, 8thMay’2020. Mothers are the most important individuals of our life and thus Mother’s Day is celebrated across the nations worldwidewith a lot of zeal and enthusiasm in the month of May every year. To acknowledge the efforts, show respect and appreciation towards their mothers and grandmothers, the enthusiastic Nursery and Prep children celebrated the occasion by fervently getting involved into various activities. Keeping the strong bonding and emotion in mind, children made beautiful handmade cards for their moms & grandmoms. The outcome of their efforts was so spectacular that each card looked special and different in its own way. They also pampered their moms and grandmoms by preparing exquisite crowns and sashes for them. It was a pleasure watching the super excited mommies wear these handcrafted sashes and crowns and ramp walk with their dynamic kiddos. Children made earnest efforts in making this day special, as they prepared rainbow sandwiches for them. Beautiful collages and video clippings were also made and shared by the teachers to add the extra spark and make this day memorable for them.Overall, it was an unforgettable occasion for all the mothers and grandmothers as it left a positive mark in their innocent hearts.

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