22 July 2020

Nursery Hindi Solo Rhyme Competition

“I would define … the poetry of words as The Rhythmical Creation of Beauty.” — Edgar Allan Poe, from “The Poetic Principle.”

Poem recitation a mode of expression, is a medium to reflect the latent talents of the young ones. Keeping this in mind, Ahlcon International School conducted Hindi Solo Rhyme Online Competition for Nursery students on Wednesday, 22ndJuly 2020 at virtual platform. Rhymes can prove to be an instrumental steppingstone for young children to develop their verbal skills and boost their confidence. At Ahlcon, we believe that rhyme recitation is an effective way for children to increase their appreciation for language and strengthen their mastery over soft skills. Theme of the competition ‘National Conservation Day’enabled students to choose topics pertinent to global issues like to be aware about protecting our natural resources and understanding the importance of nature. Being their first ever Competition, the excitement on the faces of students as well as parents was quite visible. The participants recited beautifully withtheir innocent faces and showed their confidence through their expressions and talent. The eye-catching props and creatively designed costumes added icing to the cake. The E-Certificate Distribution Ceremony took place on Friday, 24th July’ 2020 on Zoom platform where respected Principal Sir Mr. Sanjay Yadav, Headmistress Ma’am Ms. Anju Gupta and the Section Coordinator Ma’am Ms. Pooja Shandilya congratulated the incredible  performances by these tiny tots and appreciated the earnest efforts of parents in preparing them for the same.


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