14 August 2020

A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the souls of its people. (Independence Day and Janmashtami Celebration)

Ahlcon International School always takes a keen interest in celebrating all the festivals with full grandeur. The virtual celebrations of Janmashtami and 74th Independence Day started with great zeal and patriotic fervour through various activities. While some students showed their devotion for Lord Krishna by dressing up in traditional clothes and decorating the things loved by him like Mor Mukut(crown), flute, Matki, Sudarshan Chakra, others expressed their love and pride for the motherland by making Tri-Color masks, T-Shirts, Kites.

The celebrations continued on 14th August when students and Activity Teachers presented a special assembly and showcased different flavours of patriotism through their performances. The programme started with a song that filled everyone’s heart with reverence for the nation followed by a video that showed the struggle endured by our freedom fighters. The songs and poems recited by the students and teachers conveyed the stories of all the unsung heroes who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the country. The graceful dance performance as a tribute to the motherland won everyone’s heart.

Principal, Mr. Sanjay Yadav conveyed good wishes and greetings to all students and to their families. While addressing, he talked about India’s struggle for independence and freedom with the students and urged them to keep the flag of the nation flying high as the citizens of tomorrow. Headmistress, Ms. Anju Gupta appreciated the efforts of all the students and teachers. She urged the children to value the freedom we have got after the sacrifices of many heroes and advised them to start their journey of being a responsible citizen and student by adhering to all the netiquettes during their online classes. The flag hoisting was also done on 15th August by Director Mr. Ashok Pandey within the school premises in the presence of a very limited gathering.

He and Principal encouraged the youth to be more dedicated, committed and fulfil their responsibilities in making India a more healthier, happier and prosperous nation.

 Click on  following youtube link to watch  ‘Independence Day Assembly’ by Activity Dept.


Please post your valuable comments on the following link:-https://ahlconprimary1.blogspot.com/p/independence-day-assembly-comments-page.html

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