23 August 2020

Every small action matters…….. (Discussion with Ms. Gail Davvis session-3)

Ahlcon International School India, ICCDI Africa & TheCreators2030 UN SDGs Arts Initiative came together on Sunday, 23rd August to discuss about advancement of SDGs. It was an international collaboration, broadcasted LIVE, to share and discuss the importance of young generation adapting to the needs of Agenda 2030 and how teachers can contribute by integrating SDGs into the curriculum. The event was moderated by Ms Gail Davvis-Carter who is the Co-Founder of the ListenGive Initiative and TheCreators2030 UN SDGs Arts Initiative and by Ms Anju Gupta, Headmistress (Ahlcon International School, India).

Principal, Mr. Sanjay Yadav set the tone of the discussion by highlighting upon the need to bring younger generation on board for the attainment of SDGs by 2030. He opined that every change begins from one own self. An aware individual transforms his community, leading to as change at national level which causes change globally. He emphasised upon school’s motto “Global Perspective, Indian values” which is the edifice upon which teachers of the school help shape young individuals.

Ms. Pooja Talwar from Pre-Primary further emphasized that SDGs should be included right from the Elementary level. She elaborated upon activities like Child Protection sessions, Safety Circles, avoiding SUPs and other interdisciplinary approaches taken to sensitize children towards SDGs. Ms. Monika Sawhney talked about various library activities like Reading sessions, Story telling etc. that raised awareness about SDG goals. Ms.Priyanka Tiwary talked about why value inculcation at Primary level is essential to teach children about accepting diverse views which eventually will work towards attainment of SDG16- Peace, Justice & Strong Institution in a subtle way. She then spoke how it is done through a subject like Mathematics and showed few samples of activities that were based upon SDGs like “Abacus of Values” and “Balance it Right!”.  Ms. Sunanda Kumar spoke about the various SDG activities incorporated into teaching of science for 10 to 14 year olds. She expressed how students knighted as “Green ambassadors” become role models and empower every child to be an SDG champion. They raise awareness about responsible consumption through drives like gifting seed-pencils on birthdays, using folders of handmade sheets, reusing chart papers, energy audit at homes to save electricity, nest making to create awareness about saving sparrows etc. Ms. Ekta Kandhari spoke how these young teenagers, who are aware of SDGs and their part in attaining them, collaborate with their teachers to make their contribution. She elaborated upon student enterprise activities which work towards SDG 8 and SDG 10. Olumide Idowu, co-founder of ICCDI, Africa, spoke at length the need to work towards mitigating Climate change. He spoke about the commonality between India and Africa and how the two countries should work in unison towards SDG13-Climate Action.

 Headmistress Anju Gupta summarised by speaking about the “Parent Outreach program” that were creating ripples in the community and society at large. She explained how the motto of SDGs i.e. “Leave no one behind” resonates with one of the core values of Ahlcon International School which is “Providing equal opportunities and experiences to all its stakeholders”. She gave a befitting closure to the program by giving a message to the world “Disconnect at times with the world to enjoy your own company” so that you are self-aware, confident, and spread positivity all around. She appealed to the world at large to become global citizens and ensure peaceful co-existence of all life forms.

Link of the discussion-

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