28 July 2021

World Conservation Day & World Tiger’s Day

On the occasion of World Nature Conservation Day on 28th July, students of classes 1 and 2 made beautiful and innovative headgears using dried/ fallen leaves or their cutouts. They understood the importance of conserving our nature and its resources. Students were also made aware about this day through an activity in which they developed a waste product like plastic/glass bottle/container into a pot and planted a sapling into it.

On the occasion of International Tiger’s Day on 29th July, students made wonderful tiger masks using pastel sheet and took a pledge in class to save our national animal and spread awareness to saveanimals. They watched a media based on how Tigers are depleting day by day. They were also made aware of the reasons behind this and the ways we can help to stop the same. Students were also informed about how each & every specie is important in this world to keep everyone alive.

Children thoroughly enjoyed doing all the activities.

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