03 November 2022

A Report on Robotics Collaboration Project

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it” – Alan  Kay.

At Ahlcon International School, we generate scientific temperament and nurture essence of inquisitiveness and innovation among young minds. This has been proven once again by young minds of class 5th through their Robotics Collaboration Project with Bellevue Heights Primary school Australia in a span of  four months from August to November 2022.

This beautiful collaboration between the schools of two countries resulted in appreciation for each other’s culture,  technological development, art and also helped them to understand the complexity of issues related to SDG 3,4 and 13.  The four months long project to find the solutions through Robotics was indeed an encouragement for the students of the Primary, in the field of STEM and integration of art which is rightly said to be opening the path called STEAM.

Students explored Scratch code and prepared meaningful solutions. The exploration of Atal Lab to learn Adurino code was an extra mile to achieve Robotic  solutions. The mentors Ms Sunita Sinha and Ms Garima Mehra were enthusiastically involved with the students.

The Principal  Mr Sanjay Yadav appreciated the effort of students, mentors  of both the schools and also acknowledged the continuous support given by Headmistress  Ms Kavita Shah.

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