Hindi Solo Rhyme Competition- Prep

“Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.” — Albert Einstein

Poetry is the most powerful instructional tool and an age-old method to impart education to children especially at an early age. Poetry and singing not only gives children another means of self-expression, but also allows them to creatively convey feelings and emotions they encounter. Understanding the numerous benefits that poetry has on young minds, the Foundation Stage of Ahlcon International School organized a Hindi Solo Rhyme Recitation Competition on the Theme ‘Naitik Mulya,’ for its students on Wednesday, 12th July 12, 2023.

The competition showcased the literacy skills of the Prep students while fostering a deeper understanding of the language through the nuances of poetry. The chosen theme, ‘Naitik Mulya,’ beautifully aligned with the idea indicating that poetry effectively facilitates discussions and teachings on values. Through the medium of poetry, the students were able to delve into the intricacies of moral values such as honesty, compassion, integrity, respect, and empathy. The selection of props by participants was done with great care and consideration. Each prop was thoughtfully selected to visually represent and reinforce the moral values being conveyed through their rhymes.

The competition provided an excellent platform for the students to showcase their language skills. Through the recitation of rhymes, the students demonstrated their command over the language, exhibiting their vocabulary and pronunciation. It also contributed to their confidence level as they stood on the stage to deliver their recitations.

Principal, Mr. Sanjay Yadav applauded the choice of the theme ‘Naitik Mulya‘ as it aligns perfectly with the school’s ethos of instilling strong character and ethical values in our students. He also acknowledged the efforts put in by the students, teachers, and their parents. Headmistress, Ms. Pooja Shandilya applauded the teachers for the wonderful selection of poems and congratulated the students for their brilliant performances and applauded them for their exceptional recitation skills, showcasing their talent, dedication, and hard work.

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