Hindi Solo Rhyme Recitation Competition- Nursery

“Teaching children about the natural world should be treated as one of the most important events in their lives.” – Thomas Berry.

In an age crammed with TV, computers, and electronic gadgets, children are isolated from the simple pleasures of exploring nature. Hence, it is important and integral part of raising young minds that as stakeholders we teach them to value nature at an early age as it instils in them a deep sense of appreciation and respect for the environment that sustains us all. A great way to help children connect with nature is through singing Rhymes and songs of nature. At Ahlcon International School, children are taught to express these variations through numerous speaking activities such as Rhyme Recitation. Rhyme recitation not only encourages the child to feel connected and understand more about the topic in a fun way but also lays the foundation to early language and reading skills.

Keeping this in mind, the Foundation Stage organized a Hindi Solo Rhyme Recitation Competition on Friday, 21st July’23 for the students of Nursery in the school auditorium where the theme was ‘Nature’. Children participated enthusiastically and astonished everyone with their voice modulation, amazing memorizing skills and creative props. Many children recited rhymes on some burning issues such as pollution, save trees, save water, harmful effects of . on our environment, etc. They tried to spread a significant message through their rhymes to take care of their mother Earth and be a responsible human being. The competition was organized to enhance the speaking skills of children, encourage their expression of feelings, as well as to boost their stage confidence. Learning about nature integrated with rhymes and rhythm, contributed extensively to their awareness about the Nature, capacity for creativity, problem solving, emotional and intellectual development along with the enhancement of language skills.

Headmistress, Foundation Stage, Ms. Pooja Shandilya appreciated the remarkable performances of the Nursery children on stage and acknowledged the commendable efforts taken by the children, parents and teachers. She also emphasized the message that was spread through rhymes of saving the environment and motivated all the children to be Eco-warriors. Later, the results were declared and the winners were facilitated with the certificates.

The competition held a special significance for two distinct reasons. Firstly, it provided Nursery students with their inaugural opportunity to step onto the stage, enabling them to showcase their talents and build their confidence at an early age. Secondly, the theme of ‘valuing nature’ enlightened these young minds about the crucial link between cherishing the environment and ensuring a healthier, sustainable future.

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