– International Peace Day – Assembly by 1A

International Peace Day is celebrated to strengthen the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples. It aims to foster a spirit of mutual respect and understanding among people from different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs.

To enable children to understand the importance of peace in our life, class I-A children conducted a morning assembly on Thursday, 21st September’23 on the theme ‘International Peace Day’.

Ahlconites began the assembly by taking Almighty’s blessings and Gayatri Mantra followed by Thought of the day and News. Then the tiny tots sang a Peace song. Miss Confident from class I-C performed a beautiful dance.

A video, ‘What is Peace’ was shown to all the students followed by the meaning of Peace through placards by children. A discussion on the same was conducted by the class teacher and few questions were also asked from the audience. The group dance ‘Joy of Sunshine’ was performed by the students.

Respected Vice Principal, Mr. Puneet Duggal and Headmistress, Foundation Stage, Ms. Pooja Shandilya blessed the children and discussed with them different ways to attain peace and make our planet a better place to live.

In the end, winners of Nimble Strokes were awarded by Headmistress, Ms. Pooja Shandilya.

The Class Teacher and Students of Class I-A are pleased to express their sincere gratitude to the esteemed Vice Principal, Mr. Puneet Duggal, and Headmistress Foundation Ms. Pooja Shandilya for their words of encouragement and appreciation. The assembly was conducted smoothly and the audience was mesmerized by the impeccable performance of the students. The assembly concluded with the National Anthem.

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