02 October 2023

Report on Scouts and Guides Camp for Classes 4 & 5

“An invaluable step in character training is to make the individuals self-reliant”

The first ever Scouts and Guides camp for the children of Preparatory Stage was conducted in collaboration with Hindustan Scouts & Guides. The camp was held at a picturesque outdoor location in the school, that is, basketball court from 25th to 27th September 2023. It offered numerous fun and educational activities for the students of Classes 4 & 5 wherein 385 students participated.

It was a great honour to have the National Training Commissioner of Hindustan Scouts & Guides, Mr. Rahul Kumar, along with his team of proficient trainers at the school campus.

The camp started with the welcome session that included flag hoisting and the ceremonial tradition of honouring with the neckers to the Principal, Mr. Sanjay Yadav, Vice Principal, Mr. Puneet Duggal, Headmistress , Ms. Kavita Shah and other Section Heads. During this three-day camp, the students were introduced to the camp leaders. The children were divided into groups based on their age and gender, and each group was assigned a team leader who guided them throughout the activities.

The camp included a range of outdoor activities such as commando crawl, Burma bridge crossing, sensing objects, orienteering and many more. Many indoor activities like scout yells, different types of scouts & guides clapping, their signs and way of saluting were a part of the camp. These activities were designed to provide the children with opportunities to work together, learn new skills, sharpen their senses and develop self-reliance.


Furthermore, the camp organizers arranged a series of educational sessions on first aid, whistle code, tying crutches and basic survival techniques.

The culmination ceremony was honoured by the benign presence of the special guest, Ms. Priyanka Gulati, National Commissioner Guide, Hindustan Scouts & Guides and Principal, Evergreen Public School, Vasundhara. She heartily appreciated the best performers and all the participants of the various activities with a medal and certificate in the school auditorium.

Overall, the Scouts and Guides camp for the students of Classes 4 & 5 was a great success, and it helped the children develop important life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and self-confidence. The organizers did an excellent job of balancing fun and educational activities, ensuring a memorable experience for all the participants.

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