EXCURSION- Foundation Stage II

An educational tour is an excellent opportunity for students to learn outside of the classroom setting. It provides a chance for them to experience different cultures, explore new places, and gain practical knowledge that they can apply in real-life situations. The main purpose of these tours is to broaden the student’s horizons and enhance their learning experience.

An excursion was organized on Thursday, 19th October 2023, for Foundation Stage II students, where classes 1 and 2 got an opportunity to visit the Theme park- ‘Oh Maxe’, India’s first indoor theme park in Greater Noida. Children started with filling breakfast in the arms of the creativity of the Taj Mahal where the artists did a warm welcome in the form of dance and drama. Later they were divided into groups and were taken to various activities where they saw an adventurous jungle safari, experienced right from inauguration to the sinking of the great Titanic ship, they had frolic time in the chocolate factory, and enjoyed giggling around with jokers. They were thrilled to enter the Trampoline and wandered around the ball pool.  After this, they had a mouth-watering lunch with a variety of food. Then they also got to see the 5-D movie by sitting inside the Taj Mahal. The excursion ended with a lot of dance and music, Ice cream and some snacks were also served before they left the venue.

In conclusion, this educational tour provided the children with the platform to learn outside of the classroom setting. The tour’s theme was an excellent opportunity for students to broaden their horizons and learn about heritage, historical awareness, and environmental consciousness which enhanced their learning experience.


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