Assembly by Class II-A

Books are indispensable as they serve as repositories of knowledge, avenues for imagination, and tools for personal growth. They not only provide insight into different cultures, perspectives, and eras but also stimulate critical thinking and enhance vocabulary. In essence, books are essential companions in life’s journey, enriching our minds and souls in countless ways.

The students of class II A conducted a morning assembly on Thursday, 3rd May’24 centered around the theme ‘The Magical World of Books’.

The assembly commenced with Ahlconites seeking blessings and reciting the Gayatri Mantra, followed by a ‘Thought of the Day’ and a News segment.

Next, they unveiled Ahlcon’s Jadui Pitara which was full of storybooks, puzzles, and riddles through a role play. Students were dressed up as different books like Fairy Tales, Panchtantra, Aesops Fables, etc, and shared information about them. A Hindi poem on the significance of books was recited, followed by a dance performance emphasizing the importance of reading. Additionally, a remarkable Casio performance by Master Confident from Class II C added to the enchanting atmosphere.

The  Headmistress, Foundation Stage, Ms. Pooja Shandilya blessed the children and discussed with them the importance of reading in our lives.

The class teacher and students of Class II A expressed their sincere gratitude to Headmistress Foundation Stage, Ms. Pooja Shandilya for her words of encouragement and appreciation. The assembly was conducted smoothly and the audience was mesmerized by the impeccable performance of the students. The assembly concluded with the National Anthem.

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