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  • Trainings
  • In Service Teacher's Training Policy


In Service Teacher's Training Policy

  • We recognize that an intensive and focused in-service training programme for the teachers is very essential for an effective teaching learning programmes .The format, content delivery and methodology is selected depending on the need and the nature of the group. The resource –persons are encouraged at various levels and from varied fields.
  • In house training is also conducted by the principal and other HOD’s. Teachers who have developed special skills are also invited and encouraged to conduct workshops.
  • Teachers are encouraged to attend training workshops and sessions organized by expert agencies.
  • One of the significant initiatives includes inviting Heads of Schools and teachers from other schools to take part in training sessions conducted at Ahlcon.
  • We have collaborated in the past with the University of Malta (EU) Management Development Institute Singapore, Deptt of Environment, Govt of Delhi, Tony Blair Faith foundation UK, British Council in organizing several programmers to equip the teaching community with better resources and preparations.
  • It is our endeavour that each teacher undergoes in-service education programme for a minimum of 5-7 days in a year. We also ensure that teachers write/present papers in conferences/Seminars. The School management has made budgetary allocation for the professional development of the teachers.
  • Teachers are encouraged to prepare learning materials/resources.